102.20 HOW MIGHT WE?
Part of ideation is discovering what we think after we’ve exhausted the usual thoughts. How Might We (HMW) questions help us generate many possibilities. If this is hard at first, know that you will get better over time. Keep practicing.
Source: This activity is inspired by IDEO.
This is a solo or group activity.
It takes about 10 minutes.
You'll need a text editor or paper and a pen.
Start with a problem or perspective you've noticed in discovery and inspiration activities (e.g., a place of untapped restorative potential or a depleting behavior you've seen amongst folks in a space).
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
On each line, fill in the blank: HMW ________?
Write as many HMWs as you can until time's up.
If you get stuck, begin 002.10 Freewriting while making your list.
You can also aim to generate a number instead of timing your HMEs. Start with 20. As you get more comfortable brainstorming HMWs, aim for 50.
This is a great activity to do in a group. Give everybody stickers (five is good) and vote for your favorites by placing stickers next to ideas.
How doable are these ideas?
Which are too broad, too narrow?
Is there a middle way?
What would the "opposite" be?
(For example, the opposite of "How might we shelter people when it rains?" might be, "How might we encourage people to play in the rain?")